Scanning Services For
Title CompaniesTitle Companies and Digitizing
The digital age has changed the way businesses operate and digitizing important documents is no exception. Title companies have been utilizing scanning services for paper, microfilm and microfiche. Scanning these film-based documents is an essential task for title companies in order to access and store critical information efficiently.
Digitizing this information can help to reduce paper waste, physical storage costs, and increase document retrieval speed and accuracy. Additionally, all title companies are concerned about the image deterioration of their film-based documents after many years of use and storage – thus the urgency to digitize their data.
Microfacs has been in this industry since 1987 and has the capabilities and experience to help any member of the Title Company industry digitize their processes.
Microfilm/Microfiche for Title Companies
Microfilm Scanning is done with industry leading, state-of –the-art SunRise® Apollo roll film scanners on a 24/7 basis with a daily production capacity of over 800,000 images and to date over 1.5 billion images scanned. Your digital conversion job is logged in with the production manager and verified against your master inventory list. The scanned images are quality controlled before, during and after the scanning process.
We provide Indexing, Searchable OCR, and Hidden Text.
Our microfilm to image digitizing services allows you to convert your film to a variety of image formats including TIFF, JPEG, GIF, JIF, Greyscale, PDF and searchable PDF.
Aperture Cards for Title Companies
It isn’t just government agencies and hospitals that need aperture cards scanned and digitized; manufacturing is also a great application for digitizing aperture cards. All manufacturers need to keep documentation and certifications of quality for any parts through their lifetime.
Scanning Services for Title Companies
Microfacs offers great-quality scanning services at a reasonable price. Not only do we feature the services above, but we can help you with any kind of scanning and digitizing of a range of items:
- Tax Documents
- Agreements, Contracts, Mortgages
- Title Insurance Policies
- Deeds
- Closing Documents
Contact Us
Because of our attention to detail, competitive pricing, and quality
assurance, Microfacs Inc. is a respected name in our industry, nationwide.
Providing quality services in the image and document conversion industry since 1987, Microfacs is the easy solution for your next digital conversion project.