by Microfacs | Jun 15, 2016 | Documentation
Getting your data in digital format can help manage and store documents more efficiently, but there could be more risks. Any data that is on a computer with internet access is vulnerable to hacking. Many cases, it is desirable to have the information on the cloud...
by Microfacs | May 2, 2016 | Documentation
It is a good idea for any business or organization to go through a contingency planning exercise. This is where all the credible potential risks are identified and some sort of mitigation is put in place. This could be as simple as adding a procedure or something...
by Microfacs | Apr 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
Digitizing your records can be a great boon to productivity and preservation of your data. Once documents are digitized they can be stored, accessed, searched electronically and save thousands of hours of data management. There are downsides to consider. There are...
by Microfacs | Feb 28, 2016 | Documentation
Many of Microfacs’ services revolve around digitizing. Digitizing is taking a physical medium such as a document or microfilm and converting that into a digital format that can be displayed, stored and edited on a computer. The digitizing process starts with...
by Microfacs | Feb 2, 2016 | Documentation
Digital conversion is the process of scanning physical mediums into digital formats. Something is considered digital if it is electronic and can be stored and viewed on a computer. The most common digital formats for conversion are TIFF, PDF and JPEG. Most people...